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lautenwerk.com logo Clavicytherium keyboard


OTTAVINO LAUTENWERK - $6,000.00 (1 x 4') or $7,000.00 (2 choirs)

Table-top traveling lautenwerk, 31" wide, 28" long, 6.5" deep, weight: 27 pounds, compass: AA-d3 (54 notes, BB can be tuned to GG), 6.25" octave span, not transposing, 1x4' or 1x4', 1 x 2'/4', 2' from C-A (10 notes) and 4' unison to top, synthetic gut strings, music rack and plywood lid for transport.

Also available with two choirs as above but with one rank of jacks to play either one choir or both together. $6,500.00

For sturdy fabric cover with zipper add $200.00
For table stand with 4 Queen Anne legs add $500.00
For Table stand with 4 turned legs add $400.00
For table stand with square tapered legs add $300.00


Ottavino Lautenwerk

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3' OTTAVINO LAUTENWERK - $6,500.00 (1x4') or $7,500.00 (2x4')

Table-top Ottavino Lautenwerk, 31" wide, 36" long, 7" deep, weight: 27 pounds, compass: AA-d3 (54 notes, BB can be tuned to GG), 6.25" octave span, not transposing, 1 x 4' or 1 x 2'/4', 2' from AA-D (6 notes) and 4' unison to top, synthetic gut strings, music rack, simple table stand and plywood lid for transport.

Also available with two choirs as above but with one rank of jacks to play either one choir or both together. $7,000.00

Extras as above.

3' Ottavino Lautenwerk

3' Ottavino Lautenwerk

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TABLE-TOP LAUTENWERK - $11,000.00 (1 x 8') or $12,000.00 (2 x 8')

Shallow case instrument with full soundboard, 32.5" wide, 50" long, 7" deep at keyboard, Weight: 40 pounds, compass: AA-c3 (52 notes, BB can be tuned to GG), 6.26" octave span, transposing: A392/415/440, synthetic gut strings, parchment rose, music rack, plywood transporting lid, without stand.

Also available with 1 x 8', 1 x 4'/8' (4' for the bottom 16 notes) and one rank of jacks to pluck one 8' or both choirs together.

For one piece lid add $900.00
For table stand with turned legs shown below - add $1,600.00
For simpler table stand without bottom stretchers (see photo on sound sample page)

Table-Top Lautenwerk

Table-Top Lautenwerk


Upright lyre with keyboard, soundboard on wrest plank only, 37" wide, 19" deep, stands 81" tall, 58" transport length, weight without legs: 66 pounds, compass: GG-d3, Not transposing, 1 x 8', synthetic gut strings, music rack, apron stand with 4 turned legs.


Semi-open upright lyre with keyboard, both bridge and nut on a live soundboard, 34" wide, 19" deep, stands 7' 1" tall, 5' 2" transport length, weight without stand: 82 pounds, compass: AA-d3 (54 notes, BB tuned to GG), 6.25"octave span, Not transposing, 1 x 8', synthetic gut strings, music rack, apron stand with 4 turned legs.

Open lyre clavicytherium semi-open clavicytherium

Open and semi-open lyre clavicytheria.

Sound Comparison of above two models. The Primerose played first on open lyre, then on semi-open lyre clavicytherium.

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KEYED LYRE - $13,800.00

Horizontal semi-open lyre with keyboard, both bridge and nut on live soundboard, 33.5" wide, 66" long, 7" deep, weight without legs: 55 pounds, compass: AA-d3 (54 notes, BB tuned to GG), 6.25" octave span, transposing: A392/415/440, 1 x 8', 1 x 4'/8', 4' from AA-c (16 notes) and unison 8' to top, synthetic gut strings, no lid, music rack, 5 turned legs. An inexpensive alternative to the clavicytherium with more useful features.

Keyed Lyre

Keyed Lyre

The Primerose played on the Keyed Lyre (first 23 seconds: 1 x 8', remainder: 1 x 8', 1 x 4'/16'.

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66" LAUTENWERK - $14,800.00

Shallow case instrument much like the keyed lyre with full soundboard, 33.5" wide, 66" long, 7" deep at keyboard, compass: AA-d3 (54 notes, BB can be tuned to GG), 6.25" octave span, transposing: A392/415/440, 1 x 8', 1 x 4'/8', 4' can be from AA-c or AA-f#', synthetic gut strings, parchment rose, without lid, music rack, 5 turned legs.

For one piece lid add $1,000.00

Harp Lautenwerk

66" Lautenwerk

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Upright semi-open lyre with pedal board and bench, soundboard at top, 34" wide, 83" tall, 14" deep, stands behind bench and player providing perfect stereo balance, Baroque style flat and straight pedal board with light action, compass: C-d', not transposing, 2 x 8', all brass strung, trestle stand to support any style harpsichord. Manual instrument not included.

Pedal Board Clavicytherium

Pedal Board Clavicytherium

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84" long, 33" wide, upper manual: FF-a", 1 x 8' lute-strung, lower manual: GG,AA,C-d3, 2 x 8' brass-strung, total range with left hand on upper and right hand on lower: FF-d3 (58 notes), transposing: A392/415/440, 6.25" octave span, both keyboards have two ranks of jacks, no coupler as keyboards are offset a fourth, German apron stand with 8 turnings, compact double-manual harpsichord in 17th century style.

German Double Harpsichord

German Double Harpsichord

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78" long, 36" wide, compass: GG-d3, transposing: A415/440, 2 x 8', brass-strung, buff stop, 3 turned screw-in legs with bottom apron. Available with lute-strung 4'.


Two narrow cases stack together with Baroque style flat and straight pedal board, compass C-d', 1 x 8' with 2 ranks of jacks, all brass stringing, trestle stand to support any style harpsichord, bench included. Manual instrument not included.

Pedal Board Harpsichord

Pedal Board Harpsichord


Red Mallee Burl key tops with boxwood or bone sharp tops, $200.
Swivel piano stool or economy bench, $375.
Transposing Keyboard is not available for the Clavicytherium, Ottavino and Pedal Harpsichords
Deliveries to Massachusetts add 6.25% sales tax

Brown Mallee Burl Keys
Brown Mallee Burl with Ebony Sharp Tops

Harpsichord Cover
Quilted cotton cover included with all instruments


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